Winter Wonderland
Bundle up for a winter wonderland storytime!
MOCAKIDS Storytime is free to the public. To join, simply register here!
Please note that this workshop will be recorded via Zoom and available on Facebook Live for 24 hours.
MOCAKIDS Storytime is a lively, bilingual 30-minute combination of fun activities and language exploration designed to enhance your young child’s word skills and vocabulary. Best for ages 3-6, younger & older siblings welcome. Every 2nd & 4th Thursday from 4:00 – 4:30pm via Zoom.
欢迎参与华人博物馆讲故事时间活动。这是一个为时三十分钟的现场互动活动。届时,您的孩子将有机会参与一系列互动游戏,探索并提高儿童的词汇量及语言能力,为日后流利的中文阅读能力打下坚实的基础。本活动针对3-6岁的儿童设计,同时也欢迎各个年龄段的幼儿及以上儿童参与。每月的第二和第四个星期四。下午 4 点 00 分 至 4 点 30 分。