
The following selection of slides created from photographs taken in 1978 by longtime civil rights attorney and activist Rocky Chin offers a snapshot of the range of activism that Asian Americans led and engaged in during this tumultuous year. Inspired by earlier struggles for civil rights and the power of collective action, this generation of Asian American activists fought for the needs of low-income members of their communities, greater access to higher education, and peace and an end to violence and racism against Asians. Rocky, based primarily in New York, seemed to have traveled this year to photo document and likely participate in protests in Los Angeles, contributing to the cross-pollination of ideas and solidarity-building among activists across Asian American communities during this era.

2017.013.021 This slide documents an anti-war demonstration protesting Nixon’s new Vietnamization policy, which promised to achieve a drastic reduction in American ground troops by vastly ramping up the training and arming of South Vietnamese troops. Protestors’ banners—“Nixon Out of S.E. Asia”, “Nixon’s Vietnamization is a Bomb!”, “Stop the Bombing of Asian People,” “Freedom for Asians Now,” and “End Racism”—drew attention to the fact that this withdrawal policy entailed continued war, militarization, and suffering for South East Asian peoples. 这张幻灯片记录了一次反战示威,抗议尼克松的越南化新政策,该政策承诺通过大幅增加南越军队的训练和武装来大幅削减美国地面部队。抗议者的标语——“尼克松离开东南亚”、“尼克松的越南化是一颗炸弹!”、“停止对亚洲人民的轰炸”、“现在为亚洲人的自由”和“结束种族主义”——提请注意这样一个事实,即这种撤军政策导致了持续的战争、军事化和东南亚人民的苦难。
2017.013.008 Asian Americans’ position on affirmative action has become more complicated and divided today, however, Asian American students here expressed solidarity with other students of color opposing the 1978 Supreme Court ruling in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. Although Bakke upheld the legality of considering race as one of several factors in determining admission, it prohibited colleges from continuing racial quotas which reserved a minimum number of slots for minority students. Significantly, Justice Lewis Powell’s deciding vote and opinion redefined race-based admission as appropriate and permissible for the purpose of diversity, shifting it away from its original intent as a means of redress for past injustice and discrimination. 今天亚裔美国人对平权行动的立场变得更加复杂和分裂,然而,这里的亚裔美国学生表示声援其他有色人种学生,反对 1978 年最高法院在加州大学董事会诉巴克案中的裁决。尽管巴克坚持将种族作为决定录取的几个因素之一的合法性,但它禁止大学继续种族配额,为少数民族学生保留最低数量的名额。值得注意的是,刘易斯·鲍威尔大法官的决定性投票和观点重新定义了基于种族的录取,因为多元化的目的是适当和允许的,将其从其最初的意图转变为过去不公正和歧视的补救手段。
2017.013.002 Here, the traditional Chinese Lion Dance was performed while holding a blue banner that read “SMASH BAKKE." 在这里,中国传统舞狮在表演,手举一个蓝色的横幅,上书“粉碎巴克。”
This slide takes us back to a moment in time when members of the Asian American community in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles fought collectively for their housing needs and attempted to prevent corporate efforts to develop and take away their residential space. The large banner on the building reads “Hell No We Won’t Go!” 这张幻灯片将我们带回了洛杉矶小东京的亚裔美国人社区成员为他们的住房需求而集体斗争的时刻,他们试图阻止企业进行开发和夺走他们的住宅空间的努力。大楼上的大横幅上写着“绝对不行,我们不会去!”
2017.013.001 This slide brings our attention to a newsstand on the street, where a passerby stands and reads an article titled “Little Tokyo Needs Housing!!”. The indistinct photograph printed in the news article captures Little Tokyo protestors holding homemade banners and is a reprint of Rocky’s photograph (the first featured image). 这张幻灯片让我们注意到街上的一个报摊,一个路人站在那里读着一篇题为“小东京需要住房!!”的文章。新闻文章中印制的模糊照片拍摄了小东京抗议者手持自制横幅的画面,这是陈兆文的照片(第一张精选照片)的翻印版。