28 June 2019 Posted.
Parade Rally in New York City Chinatown, Chinese Americans against Japanese invasion in China, a fundraising parade for China relief, from the left in the front, Annabelle Wong (the 4th ). Ruth Chin (the 5th ), Sophia Chu (the 6th ), Jeaw Yee Wong (the 7th ), Grace Chu (the 9th ) were recognized, May 9, 1938.
Courtesy of Warren Chan, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection.
纽约唐人街的游行聚会,美国华人反对日本入侵中国,一场救济中国的筹款游行,前排左四Annabelle Wong, 左五Ruth Chin,左六Sophia Chu,左七Jeaw Yee Wong,左九Grace Chu,1938年5月9日。
Parade Rally in NYC Chinatown Chinese Americans against Japanese invasion in China (May 9, 1938)