
在第一张照片中,拍摄于大约1961年,坐着的老先生是Lin S. Low。二战期间,Low老先生在美国军队服役,结果成为美国入籍公民,有资格担保那时候还住在香港的他的妻子和孩子,与他在美国团聚。然而,由于没有证明她是家庭成员的文件,大女儿穆吉(Moo Gee)没有被允许进入。这幅肖像给人的印象是全家最终能够团圆,然而,Low氏全家福实际上是一张复合照片,上面贴有四名失散家庭成员——大女儿穆吉、她的丈夫和两个年幼的孩子,他们的头像被贴在照相馆定位替身的身体上。这家照相馆是Low家拍摄基础照片的地方。事实上,离开香港后,Lows氏家族要再过二十年才再次见到穆吉。其间,她与其他亲戚一起留在香港,后来嫁给了Stanley Wong,并与Stanley Wong移居伦敦并组建了家庭。

受移民政策和排华法的影响,美国华裔家庭对大家庭的分离并不陌生。翻阅 MOCA 历史肖像的收藏,特别是是那些手写信息寄给家人的肖像,人们想知道谁在场谁不在场。在 Zoom、FaceTime 和 Skype 通过视频会议技术廉价地连接大洋彼岸的人们之前,离家到海外劳作的中国人很多年都没有期望见到家人。亲人的照片成为珍贵的纪念品,在移民前拍摄或通过邮件发送以伴随更新。在大规模使用相机技术之前,以社区为基础的肖像照相馆不仅满足当地移民社区的需求,而且满足跨国移民社区的需求。在主要移民口岸的香港,摄影工作室,包括那些由中国移民摄影师在 1949 年后成立的工作室,激增。为下东城和唐人街移民服务的社区摄影工作室知之甚少,但印在肖像背面或其随附纸框上的印章有助于我们识别其中的一小部分。在不同的情况下,中国移民在茂比利街 44 号的 Wellington Lee Studio、加萨林街8 号的 Tarsy Photo Studio、摆也街62-64号的 Jon Yon Photo Studio 和勿街 47号的天然影相馆 (Natural Photo Studio) ,以及许多早已被遗忘的照相馆拍摄了他们的肖像。对其他移民社区的照相馆肖像的研究发现,在家乡和美国的家庭相册中都保存了相同照片的副本。他们是持久家庭纽带的证明,也是长期缺席和跨国移民的一个历史写照。

2019.004.074 Studio portrait of an older couple, Mei Shi (left) and Chen Da Pin (right), taken in 1964. The back of the photograph bears the following details: 1964 Mei Shi is 74 years old, and her birthday is July 1st (according to the lunar calendar). Chen Da Pin is 86 years old, and his birthday is April 14th (lunar as well). Courtesy of Ida Leung, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Family Treasures Digitization Project. 2019.004.074 一对老夫妇Mei Shi(左)和Chen Da Pin(右)的照相馆肖像,摄于 1964 年。照片背面有以下细节: 1964年 Mei Shi今年74岁,生日是7月1日(农历)。 Chen Da Pin今年86岁,生日是4月14日(也是农历)。 由Ida Leung捐赠,美国华人博物馆(MOCA)家族珍宝数字化项目馆藏。
2019.004.074 Studio portrait of an older couple, Mei Shi (left) and Chen Da Pin (right), taken in 1964. The back of the photograph bears the following details: 1964 Mei Shi is 74 years old, and her birthday is July 1st (according to the lunar calendar). Chen Da Pin is 86 years old, and his birthday is April 14th (lunar as well). Courtesy of Ida Leung, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Family Treasures Digitization Project. 2019.004.074 一对老夫妇Mei Shi(左)和Chen Da Pin(右)的照相馆肖像,摄于 1964 年。照片背面有以下细节: 1964年 Mei Shi今年74岁,生日是7月1日(农历)。 Chen Da Pin今年86岁,生日是4月14日(也是农历)。 由Ida Leung捐赠,美国华人博物馆(MOCA)家族珍宝数字化项目馆藏。
2011.044.003 A studio portrait of a family. The names of family members and/or their familial relationship are written on the photograph. On the back is written: “大姑文惠存,文浣 20/7/69,” translated into English as “To father’s oldest sister, Wen Huan, 7/20/69.” 2011.044.003 一个家庭的照相馆肖像。家庭成员的姓名和/或他们的家庭关系写在照片上。背面写着:“大姑文惠存,文浣 20/7/69”,翻译成英文是“致父亲的大姐文焕,1969年7月20日”。
2011.044.003 A studio portrait of a family. The names of family members and/or their familial relationship are written on the photograph. On the back is written: “大姑文惠存,文浣 20/7/69,” translated into English as “To father’s oldest sister, Wen Huan, 7/20/69.” 2011.044.003 一个家庭的照相馆肖像。家庭成员的姓名和/或他们的家庭关系写在照片上。背面写着:“大姑文惠存,文浣 20/7/69”,翻译成英文是“致父亲的大姐文焕,1969年7月20日”。
2019.006.220 Studio portrait of Hsio Ho Chao wearing a long overcoat. On the back of the photograph is written: “1958, To dear son, From daddy.” Likely taken in Guangzhou, Guangdong. Courtesy of Ted Chao, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection. 2019.006.220 穿着长外套的Hsio Ho Chao照相馆肖像。照片背面写着:“1958,致亲爱的儿子,爸爸赠。”可能是在广东省广州市拍摄的。由Ted Chao捐赠,美国华人博物馆 (MOCA)馆藏。
2019.006.220 Studio portrait of Hsio Ho Chao wearing a long overcoat. On the back of the photograph is written: “1958, To dear son, From daddy.” Likely taken in Guangzhou, Guangdong. Courtesy of Ted Chao, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection. 2019.006.220 穿着长外套的Hsio Ho Chao照相馆肖像。照片背面写着:“1958,致亲爱的儿子,爸爸赠。”可能是在广东省广州市拍摄的。由Ted Chao捐赠,美国华人博物馆 (MOCA)馆藏。
2015.037.463 The back of the photograph indicates that it had been printed onto a postcard that would have been mailed. Date unknown but probably the early 1900s. Courtesy of Douglas J. Chu, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection. 2015.037.463 照片的背面表明它被印在一张可以邮寄的明信片上。日期未知,但可能是 1900 年代初期。由Douglas J. Chu 捐赠,美国华人博物馆 (MOCA) 馆藏。
2015.037.463 The back of the photograph indicates that it had been printed onto a postcard that would have been mailed. Date unknown but probably the early 1900s. Courtesy of Douglas J. Chu, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection. 2015.037.463 照片的背面表明它被印在一张可以邮寄的明信片上。日期未知,但可能是 1900 年代初期。由Douglas J. Chu 捐赠,美国华人博物馆 (MOCA) 馆藏。
2012.013.024 Studio portrait of Gao Cheng Qi (Cheng-Chih Kow) wearing a suit and standing in front of a backdrop painted with an ocean landscape, taken ca. 1920s. On the front of the frame is text handwritten in Chinese, translated to English as “To Aunt Bi Rong, from nephew Gao Cheng Qi.” Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection. 2012.013.024 Gao Cheng Qi(Cheng-Chih Kow)的照相馆肖像,穿着西装,站在画着海洋风景的背景前,拍摄于大约1920 年代。画框正面是用中文手写的文字,翻译成英文是“致Bi Rong姑姑,外甥Gao Cheng Qi”。美国华人博物馆(MOCA)馆藏。
2008.018.001 Studio portrait of women and children left in China, hand-colored and matted black and white print, taken ca. late 1900s. Photograph taken by Chi Kan Yan Fang Image. Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA )Collection. 2008.018.001 中国遗留的妇女和儿童照相馆肖像,手工上色和哑光黑白打印,拍摄于大约1900 年代后期。图片由Chi Kan Yan Fang影像室拍摄。美国华人博物馆(MOCA)馆藏。