
在 1870 年代,报纸开始饶有兴趣地描述纽约刚刚起步的唐人街的中国新年庆祝活动。甚至在排华法使进入和重新进入美国变得困难之前,负担不起定期乘坐轮船返回中国的工薪中国移民聚集在一起,在佰士达街 12 号的华人庙宇举行宴会和打麻将,那里“灯火通明” 并“用彩色纸灯笼、鲜花和蜡烛装饰”,以示庆祝。早期的庆祝活动被描述为安静的事情,不像后来的几十年,纽约论坛报在 1894 年的一篇报道中宣称,在勿街、披露街、多宰也街和毗邻的街道上可以听到“各种东方的喧嚣和欢乐”,以及“恭喜发财”的问候“变得如此普遍,以至于连街头的顽童都忍不住叫了起来。”寺院里传来家乡的音乐声,中国人穿着近年的新衣服,拿着幸运的红包,与家人和朋友一起宴请和拜访。再后来,在 1920 年代和 30 年代,庆祝活动变得更加复杂和公开,加入了街头游行,伴随着响亮的烟花、锣和舞狮,更符合中国的传统。从 MOCA 档案中挑选出来的照片记录了从 1930 年代开始的几十年里唐人街中国新年的公共街区庆祝活动。许多镜头捕捉到了由当地武术学校训练的舞狮,为唐人街的企业带来好运和繁荣。

2010.020.013 Two lion dancers performing in a street littered with fireworks, undated. Photograph taken by Wing Nen Lem. Courtesy of Betty Lem, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection.
2009.023.002 A woman with a Taiwanese flag on her hat is holding a baton in a Chinese New Year parade. She is being followed by a marching band, 1934-1935. Courtesy of Marylin Chou, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection.
2015.043.041 Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration, Mott Street, Chinatown, January 22, 1947. Photograph taken by the Associated Press. Courtesy of Eric Y. Ng, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection.
2015.043.042 A lion dances in celebration of the Year of the Lamb on Mott Street. Smoke from firecrackers fill the street as a crowd enjoys the festivities. A line of shops on the street include Chas Leong Laundry, Mee On Co. Shirts, Joy Young Restaurant & Bar and Golden Dragon Restaurant & Bar, January 24, 1955. Photograph taken by the Associated Press. Courtesy of Eric Y. Ng, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection.
2011.004.060 A lion dancer during a Chinese New Year Parade in New York City's Chinatown, January 1963. Courtesy of Pui Leung, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection.
2014.029.331 People carry what appears to be an altar; behind them are lion dancers. Seems to be Mott Street, January 31, 1976. Photograph taken by Emile Bocian, Courtesy of Emile Bocian, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection.
2013.018.037 Two men doing the lion dance. The entire background is obscured by firecracker smoke and the ground is littered with paper. This was most likely taken in New York's Chinatown during a Lunar New Year celebration, ca. 1971-1987. Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Basement Workshop Collection.
2016.025.008 Shifu Woo Chia Meng and members of the New York Honan Shaolin Association Golden Dragon Team marching down Bayard Street for a Chinese New Year celebration, 1979. Courtesy of Honan Shaolin Association, Golden Dragon Team, Museum of Chinese in America.
2004.045.055 A man banging on a gong during a Chinese New Year celebration, 1984. Photograph taken by Robert Glick, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection.
2015.010.030 A lion dancer and a man holding a holding a guandao during a Chinese New Year celebration. The man with the guandao is wearing a sweatshirt from the freemasons. They are on Doyer Street outside of the Bow Luck Restaurant, 1992. Photograph taken by Kitty Katz. Courtesy of Kitty Katz, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection.